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Stopping The Small Boats.

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sandyRoe | 08:00 Sat 06th Jul 2024 | News
25 Answers

The Tories haven't managed it and it seems unlikely Labour will do any better.

What would Farage do if he had the power?



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Not really "news" is it...


Illegal migration would be deemed a national security threat, migrants would be picked up out of boats and taken back to France and the Home Office abolished and replaced by a new Department for Immigration.

Foreign criminals would be deported immediately after their prison sentences end and citizenship withdrawn from immigrants who commit “significant” crimes.//

which is what I advocated on here about 3 years ago...

Somehow I doubt it. If they tried to return them no doubt European or international courts would stop it. One needs to return control to the UK to do what is needed and the government doesn't seem to do that sort of thing, in fact they want more integration with the EU, on EU terms.


Still, a new Border Security Command is likely to make all the difference.


I think he would be just another Cnut ...

Chicken dinner for Ellipsis. 😂

with a bit of luck the firesides will elect Le Pen on Sunday and they'll shut up shop and sort it for us.

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The refugees don't want to be in France and the French don't want them.

Why would they impede their journey to the UK?

The French will probably be buying them more & better dinghies!

with our bleedin' money! 😈

12:52 they are part of an ever growing move to stop them entering Europe at all. Le Pen and co will stop them even entering France. They too are mightily sick of this invasion that is enabled by Trobiscite hand wringers.

I will say it again in the hope that someone does listen. We do not need to stop the small boats. We just have to stop the small boats getting into the hands of smugglers and criminals. Guns and other weapons that can be used to undermine society are subject to controls of licencing or certification, requiring ID, reasons for purchase and control of their use. The ribs and inflatables, including their engins must be monitored at the purchase stage and be subject to safety and security checks. Either that or close down the manufacturers. By force if necessary, and preferably by the Governments of the Countries that house the businesses. Either that or lawless mobs themselves will take it upon themselves to do it.   

How about doing something about legal immigration - something we do - or should - have control over.

REFORM policy:

All “non-essential” migration would be frozen 

A clamp down on student visas and their dependants is designed to mean that only students with essential skills can remain in the UK as soon as their studies end.

at this rate of legal and illegal migration britain will sink to third world status, infrastructure collapse with civil breakdown, i forsee favela's like they have in brazil popping up round cities and urban areas, gated communities for the wealthy if they have not left already, as for the rest, every man woman themselves, over population.

We do have such a thing as the Royal Marines.  I'd like so see them patrolling the channel and escorting any small boats back to France.

Oh! - stableford - dontcha know the European courts would frown on that & no UK government wants to risk a severe frowning upon. 😞

Well precisely- one reason Labour won't make any meaningful attempt to stop the small boats.

TTT 12.46

//with a bit of luck the firesides will elect Le Pen on Sunday and they'll shut up shop and sort it for us.//

OK TTT, I give up - what is Cockney rhyming slang for firesides? I assume it refers to the French 🇫🇷, but I can't make the connection, even though I checked with the following:

Fireside log?

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Wouldn't 'log' be Wiley oriental gentleman?

I don't think it's that.

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