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Good Morning Early Saturday Birds!

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Smowball | 08:02 Sat 06th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
26 Answers

Well, I've had a total,of 30 mins sleep roughly. Ohhhh the joys of insomnia..... never mind!

it's dark, grey & tipping down with rain at the moment. Not sure what Wimbledon is being played today, if any, but whatever is going on it will be a washout if it stays like this. Have nothing major to do myself - just waiting for a delivery of a brand new electric pump for our shower - it decided to pack up yesterday! Now we love our power shower but MrSmow showers longer than anyone I have ever known in my entire life! Seriously, it's ridiculous! Have given up telling him he could have a bath in the time that he spends in the shower! So, new pump arriving today and our plumber guy is gona come and fit it for us.

So who is going to watch the England v Switzerland football game today? (5pm). We haven't done very well so far, and only just scraping thru matches so let's see if the boys can try and redeem themselves a bit later on!

What is everyone else up to then on this dreary day?? Or do some of you have sunshine?



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Morning.  Sunshine at the moment here in Hove Smow.  No idea how long it will last though.

Won't Wimbledon just pull the canopy over the courts if it is raining there?  Hope so, looking forward to it.

Morning, Smow.  No football in this house, or tennis or Olympics. We are a sport free zone

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Morning LB - sunshine you lucky thing!

Wasnt sure if Wimbledon still used the overhead canopies due to constant moaning about how long they look to set up. 
Maybe they do - will have to have a look.

Meant to say sorry about your lack of sleep as I know how awful that is.  Amazingly I had about 5 hours last night after taking 2 x 10mg Melatonin tabs.

Hi Smowball,

Maybe you can catch up on your sleep later?

Cool here in N Ireland with a forecast of showers and we're nearly into the middle of July.

I've nothing planned for today apart from a bit of shopping.

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Morning Barry! No sport at all??

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Morning Sandy : )

5 hrs sleep LB..... nope, can't remember what that's like lol.

And MrSmow can sleep 12 hrs solid easily!

12 hours!!  How very annoying for you;-))

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And he snores!!! Vibrate the walls snoring! 

OMG even worse!!

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lol,  I genuinely have never heard snoring like it in my life! I recorded him on my mobile once and played it back to him the nxt morn - he looked at me in disbelief as he just couldn't believe how bad he was lol! 

Don't answer this if you don't want to but do you have to try to sleep in the same room as him?  Or perhaps whichever room you sleep in would you stll hear him?  If so, ear plugs are worth a try.

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LB - no I don't have to, we actually have 2 other spare rooms, and in desperation I have gone into one of them before. It's just that because the other spare rooms are the other side of the house and South facing , they are literally broad daylight at more much past 4.30am, even with blinds fully shut! It's just case of weighing up which is worse - snoring or daylight lol. If I could move him I'd chuck HIM in the spare room with the daylight as he wouldn't notice it for a sec! 

My bedroom is south facing and elevated. Black out blinds and curtains cure the problem.

Or put your husband in the spare bedroom 

I used to be a very loud snorer and had sleep apnea.  Losing weight cured that.

I have learnt already this morning that The Phillipines are so called after King Phillip II of Spain, - well I never !

Good morning Smow. I find that one cocodamol tablet 8/500 tablet and a paracetamol help me to go to sleep and generally have a good night. Worth a try? Probably psychological!  No sport in this household - the tennis is awful - unforced errors - grrr! Can't be doing with it these days. Too many replays. Used to love it when it was all amateur.

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Barry - yes I think that I definitely need to invest in blackout blinds for the spare rooms, will look into that today!

Morning Khandro - I didn't know that either lol. Learn something new every day hey! 

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 Morning HW! Unfortunately (or not) I take regular doses of that exact co-codamol for pain, which I agree with u shud help me sleep but sadly doesn't. You wouldn't think anyone could get thru the day on so little sleep would you - amazing what the body does! 

As an alternative to black out curtains why not consider a sleep mask Smo  - I've been using one since the mornings have been so bright and find it really helps.  X

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Morning Rosie! Any sleep mask in particular, or just a basic eye one? Does it not irritate you?

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