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JinnyJoan | 20:08 Fri 05th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
9 Answers

but friend of 74 years old not exactly full of fun etc has met a new man - it is 17 years since she has been with anyone - I haven't seen her in ages but she has met him a few times from April - I'm glad for her as she needs somebody to go here and there and hopefully it will work out.

Lol - she was waiting on an aghast reaction from me but me I couldn't care less as I am just hanging on there with everything that is going on.  

Can two people of 74 and 75 fall in love - I'm a little unsure but then I think it is too old to doll yourself up etc etc 

Just a wee convo - that's all



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Never too late jj.  I got together with someone I loved very much aged 77.  I'd known him for years but he became widowed and I divorced.  

We had a marvellous 15 or so years together - travelling and just enjoying each others company.

It was for both of us an unexpected joy towards the end of our lives.

I am 92 now and circumstances have parted us but I still love him dearly.

Believe me there was no " dolling up" - we always took each other as we were from day to day.  We didn't live together as we were 100 miles apart but we visited regularly and had a lovely life.

So good luck to your friend.  X

Oh I love that Chris! X

That's a great picture, neither look their age.

Do you need to "doll yourself up" to fall in love with someone. Also age has nothing to do with it,  I wish them both every happiness in their later years

Love is a general term that covers numerous forms.

Yes, of course, love can be found at any age.

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well i have certainly given up as it has been over 30 years since I have been kissed and it will probably be another 30 when it will and if happens.  I'm not dying about all that sucking of the mouth, tonguing and swallowing saliva -   YUCK and all that of 74 years old - no not for me.  

Some people, whatever age, just enjoy having a companion.

It's not all about the physical stuff.

very happy for you, Rosie, and for your friend jj. I'm not looking for anyone else but who know what lies in the future?.

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