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Bbc Quiz : Week 27

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Buenchico | 20:00 Fri 05th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
35 Answers

I could only manage a score of THREE out of seven in the main quiz this week:


Another THREE for me, out of five this time of course, in the junior quiz too:


Your turn!



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Question Author

Oops, Kwillmott!

Not a good week for you, I see! (At least you avoided any zero scores though!).

Better luck next week!

Evening, Chris.

4 and 3

Question Author

'Double middling', Scorpiojo - which is better than I could manage, anyway!

A couple of lucky guesses got me -

6/7 (stupid cave art) & 3/5

Question Author

Well done with that impressive 6/7, Lie-in King!

I suppose that the cave art was just a bit before your time though 😊

Evening Chris.






A couple of lucky guesses in there.


Hope this finds you well  ; ))

Question Author

Hi Sam,

I feel sure that all of the very best people will have an aggregate score of 6 this week 😊

I'm fine, thanks. I hope that you're well too!

3/7 v 6/7

3/5 v 3/5

Good guessing tonight

Been to the local rescue centre this week but couldn't see anyone to fit the bill....just have to keep looking.

Hope Chequers, Moonbeam, Tablo (and your good self) have had a good week  😏

Question Author

Ruddy 'eck, Haras2!

You're top of the table with the mighty Lie-in King!

I still think that Nic-cola is the perfect cat for you!  (She can live with dogs but needs a rural home):

Oh dear! 3/7 and 1/5

Question Author

Oh well, at least you're not last, Clover! 😏



Getting better at the guessing game!

Question Author

We're a perfect match again, Maggie!

Thanks for joing in!

Hi Buen.  How's the household?

Wow! Tough this week I thought.  With guesses (which count, but don't seem fair really) I managed 3/7 and 3/5.


Question Author

A perfect match, Jourdain2!

The 'household' are all fine, thanks, and bossing me around as usual 😊

Question Author

Let's make that clickable, Haras2:

She's beautiful too!

Thanks Buenchico

I'll make further enquiries and maybe she'll be the one.

So long as you (being chief feline expert) approve  😊

Question Author

I look forward to reading some good news (and, of course, to seeing some lovely pics), Haras2! 🐱

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