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Facial Hair Removal

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Mags22 | 18:29 Sat 29th Apr 2023 | Body & Soul
16 Answers
Has anyone used Nair on chin hair.? Before I try I’d like to know if it grows back more than ever or is it ok?


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Hmmm. The reviewers on this Aussie website don't seem to be too impressed with it! "I was plucking chin hairs out daily so got this to make it easier, apparently grows back fine and not suppose to grow back too fast. Well it grows back quick n thick. I have to use it every other day now to avoid looking like a witch! rip off!" "I used this cream as instructed for the...
18:43 Sat 29th Apr 2023
Hmmm. The reviewers on this Aussie website don't seem to be too impressed with it!

"I was plucking chin hairs out daily so got this to make it easier, apparently grows back fine and not suppose to grow back too fast. Well it grows back quick n thick. I have to use it every other day now to avoid looking like a witch! rip off!"

"I used this cream as instructed for the recommended time and I've got 2 big burns on my chin it is really painful and stings like hell when I move my mouth/chin."

"Used as directed on my chin, after less then a minute it started burning, I’m left with a horrendous chemical burn and scabs it’s disgusting and embarrassing.
This product should be banned"

"Burnt chin. Looks like the rear end of a baboon after 14 hours of application at the minimum time, being 3 minutes. Stings worse than accidently dropping a jug of lemon juice on a fresh paper cut and now I look like dead pool. Not happy! Sensitive skin, my chin! Would highly recommend growing a beard, than deal with the BRIGHT RED chemical burn that looks and feels horrific."

"I’ve been using this product for well over 15 years and don’t have an issue with it. I only use it on the upper lip. Doesn’t work on my chin as it’s too coarse I think."

"Within 2 weeks i noticed NEW hair growth on my face i never had before. Being a woman that's terrible. I found out later through a electrolysis that anything that stimulates blood flow,like a burn can cause new growth!!! Now I have a few light long hairs on my chin along with my light M-stash!"
The hair-removing creams burn the hair off and even if they are not thicker when they regrow they will feel hard and stubbly.

Depending on how many hairs you have and what colour they are you can try other treatments.

I have had problems with excess hair since my teens. I used to have electrolysis but it didn't really help.
These days I use a laser hair removal device. It cost a few hundred pounds but it worked out cheaper than getting it done in a salon.
Wax strips can be good if you are able to be brutal and yank them off at the correct angle with some force.
My goodness. My mum used this on her legs when I was a child. I can't believe it still exists. Perhaps it's improved, but I can remember the awful smell. I can remember her scraping off hairy cream! I'm in my 70s, so it's been going for years.

I would never use a hair removing cream on the face.

I'd like to echo Mist.2. I also used this on my legs as a teenager and I wouldn't dream of using it on my face.
Pluck - and keep on plucking!
Nothing is going to make hair grow back more than ever, or men the world over would be using it on top of their head. (And I'd be a billionaire selling it to them.)

I have one of these. It's easy to use, you hold the 2 ends, twiddle the silver rings and roll the spring over your hairs. The spring grabs and plucks the hairs. The hair doesn't seem to grow back quickly so I probably use it fortnightly.
Jourdain, I'm not and never have been very hairy at all. But I plucked the very few on my face when they started appearing and that worked well. They gradually gave up! I've been lucky never to have hairy arms or legs and the very few I did have were blonde. Underarm hair disappeared in my 50s. I won't discuss any more areas!
I also used it way back when...would never use on face. I have a few that I pluck...maybe 4 in total.
Isn't electrolysis supposed to be permanent?
I had to hunt for a razor when daughter needed one last was well hidden!
Have you tried Veet Sensitive facial wax strips? I use if and when required.
MissT2 - yes, isn't it odd how the underarm hair disappears? I keep checking, just in case. I'm really glad it's gone.
As I've got older I've found that the (also few) facial hairs have turned white and it's really tricky to find them now. I can feel them, but getting the tweezers to catch is hard. :(
Very true Jourdain. I use a mirror but it doesn't help. The tweezers miss! There's just a very few but but are tranparent and my bearded husband would never feel them! He can't see them!
I use Boots hair removal cream, the one for legs. I’ve used it for years on my facial hair and never had a problem. I use if every few weeks, in between times I pluck.
I used to go to a salon and have it waxed until one time they stripped the skin off too, never went back.
Ooooh Vagus. That sounds awful. Ouch.

I remember my mum buying sort of sandpaper mitts to get rid of her leg hair. She got them in Woolworths.

We could all get a job at the circus...I find tweezers most satisfying... 

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