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All Change!

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Stableford | 07:36 Fri 05th Jul 2024 | News
4 Answers

So Sunak and Hunt retain their seats but now we have George Galloway gone, as are Liz Truss, Penny Mordaunt, Shapps, Rees-Mogg, Liam Fox and Labour's Jonathan Ashworth.  Jezza Corbyn is back as an independent and we now have Nigel Farage MP.  With Gobbo as Dep PM or similar and Diane Abbott re-elected this makes for an interesting NEW chapter under the leadership of Sir Keir Starmer, PM.  Who said politics was boring?



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Biggest dissapointment of the night; Hunt keeps his seat.

Who on earth wold vote for that Hunt?

// Who on earth wold vote for that Hunt? //

I gather he's a good constituency MP and has spent most if not all of the campaign working on that angle.

Yep, Jeremy Hunt is one of those rare MP's who actually work hard for their own constituents- every credit to him.

Pity he didnt work hard for his country then.

Useless man.

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