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Does The Punishment Fit The Crime ?

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Khandro | 17:15 Thu 04th Jul 2024 | News
28 Answers

Do you think 6.5 years in jail is just ?                                        The young man was turned 16 & can't be named 'for legal reasons' so he get's off scott free; but doesn't it take two to tango?



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Abuse of a position of trust. Laughable. Abuse of position of trust is rife and endured and tolerated globally. Hypocrisy rules.
05:12 Fri 05th Jul 2024

She is a paedo. End off.

in our culture - yes

Not a paedo, no.

The boys were to old for her to be classed as such, but regardless, she is an abuser of boys and deserves her prison-sentence.

When I was in the 6th form in 1966, we got a new teacher for English straight from Oxford (she was perhaps 21/22)  and I rated her, she was brilliant (became Head of Eng. later and taught my daughter). She 'palled-up' with one of the 17-yr-old boys in her 2nd year.

  There was never any scandal.  I daresay it died the death since she remained a 'Miss' . I suppose it was different in those days because there was never any suggestion of sexual interaction- they just went out.  How far things went was regarded as their business - but, again, no one would expect that sex was involved.  

Modern views and laxity of morals lead to different outcomes.

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In a couple of years time, this 16 year old man could enter university. If he then had an affair with his tutor, would that be of some great difference ?  What age is the watershed if not, as stipulated by law, 16 ?

Would the tutor, no matter of what age, be eligible for a six and a half year sentence?


The abuse of a position of trust wouldn't apply to children when they reach age eighteen.

She is not a paedophile (a person sexually attracted to children who haven't reached puberty), she is an ephebophile. 

Her victim's parents have custody of the baby, a baby she said couldn't happen. She told him about the pregnancy in a very disturbing way.  Anyone thinking this teenage father has fond memories of the affair should read this.

Schoolboy who fathered child with paedophile maths teacher Rebecca Joynes tells of his ordeal via



Abuse of a position of trust. Laughable. Abuse of position of trust is rife and endured and tolerated globally. Hypocrisy rules.

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