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Do You Think That Epilepsy Shouold Be A Crime?

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Atheist | 18:46 Thu 04th Jul 2024 | Society & Culture
30 Answers

Do you think that woman who had an epilectic fit and crashed her car and killed two children should be punished? Do you think that Saul (Paul) should be punished for establishing christianity?



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Absolutely not in her circumstances 

I would have a different opinion if someone had been having seizures but decided to risk driving

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barry; I agree. I don't know the circumstances.

It was her first seizure, she had no idea it would happen 

A few years ago in Glasgow a bus driver who had had previous seizures crashed his bus and killed a number of people.

This recent accident was caused by a woman who had no previous record of seizures.  A terrible accident.

No, to both questions.


Was Saul/Paul an epilectic then?

The families of the two little girls and the school need someone to blame for their deaths.   Its human nature.

But it was an accident that could not have been foreseen or avoided.  

I am sure that the driver will be going through hell too.

it is a terrible thing to happen, especially to such young children.

There seems to be an increasing tendency, when some sort of enquiry etc does not produce the version you favour, to then claim the enquiry was not done properly. 

Are these two unrelated questions?  What's Christianity done to you, Atheist?

Atheist seems to think a seizure lasts forever.  

This is an absolute tragedy. Just terribly, terribly sad.

Many such incidents there seems to be a culture of "Let's milk it for as much blame/sympathy/compensation as we can". What happened to the stiff upper lip?

Harry Dunn is one such IMV.

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Saul's vision on the road to Damascus is considered by some to be an epilectic seizure, rather than a true message from god.

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"Atheist seems to think a seizure lasts forever."

I'm not sure what you mean by that.

davebro3 - Harry Dunn was killed by a woman who fled the country to avoid any sort of prosecution.

It is no wonder his mum seeks some sort of justice for him.

//Saul's vision on the road to Damascus is considered by some to be an epilectic seizure, rather than a true message from god.//

It's considered by me to be a fairy story!

JTH - the Dunn's have become (somewhat understandably) obsessive. If Secoulas had remained to face her punishment it would have been minimal.

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davebro; it's possible that his experience was 'real', but I don't think it was a message from god.

Whether the punishment was minimal, or not, is hardly the issue.

She ran off to the USA to avoid facing the music in a British court.

That case and the one the OP mentions are hardly comparable.

I don't know the details but if it was her first fit then nothing could be prevented. If it wasn't it'd depend on whether that had been declared, assuming it is an obligation to declare such. Society should know what risks it allows and bans.


As for Saul, I think you've left that a little late.

//That case and the one the OP mentions are hardly comparable.//

Only in so far as seeking someone to blame.

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