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2 Puzzles For Ya ....

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Gizmonster | 16:50 Thu 04th Jul 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers

If 2 painters can paint 2 rooms in 2 hours, how many painters would it take to paint 20 rooms in 6 hours?


Have a look at the following piccie and tell me how the table is:

My friend sent me these, so I'm just wondering if I've got the answers right  :)



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h = 40 - c + th = 30 -t + c2h = 70h = 35
17:06 Thu 04th Jul 2024

So 1 painter can paint one room in 2 hours.

therefore 20 painters can paint 20 rooms in 2 hours

but you have 3 times as long, so you only need 1/3 of the painters, so 20/3 = 6 2/3 painters...I think!



Is the table 30"?

Question Author

////  6 2/3 painters...I think!  ////

I get the same answer.


////  Is the table 30"?  ////

I get a different answer.

I'd go with your answer.  I did get the same answer for the painters

h = 40 - c + t
h = 30 -t + c
2h = 70
h = 35

Question Author

////  h = 40 - c + t
h = 30 -t + c
2h = 70
h = 35  ////

This is exactly how I did it and got the same answer  :)

I would think that you might find it difficult to find 2/3 of a painter so you might need 7 painters.

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2 Puzzles For Ya ....

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