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Second Reform Contender Defects To Tories ...

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naomi24 | 14:23 Tue 02nd Jul 2024 | News
12 Answers

....over 'racist, bigoted' candidates.


Are the wheels falling off Nigel's bus?



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No, but straws are being clutched at, desperately.

no big deal

just grabbing their "15 minutes of fame"

The selection of candidates was very rushed, Sunak caught them out with the early call.   
Reform employed a vetting agency to trawl the candidates' past histories on-line for bad stuff. However, they seemed to have failed badly and quite a few wrong uns becames candidates. Tice said he was going to sue the vetting agents.  
And some candidates who are naturally Tories realised there was little chance of being elected under a blue banner, and applied th Reform. Quickly realising their error, two have defected.

Oh dear, how sad, never mind!


to trawl the candidates' past histories on-line for bad stuff

or .... good stuff

There are always a few rats who chose to leave a floating ship. The terrible thing is for those voters deliberately switching from the ineffective Tories to a party who believe in the right things, only to find their postal vote force returned to the party they were trying to teach a lesson. Switching this early is a despicable act. Especially for such an utterly ludicrous excuse.

Like there’s no wrong uns in the Conservative, Labour, SNP, etc. They are rife with them.

Carry on electing the same old, and then expecting something different. Madness.

Postal Voters did it to themselves - in the Birmingham scandal wwhere I think 86% of votes in some  wards were held to be forged

Manchester does even better - if your signature is not  within the box - the vote is  discounted  as invalid - and they tell you around four months later ! haw haw haw

pressure to get your butt in a voting booth

The previous ytube link I posted was a live stream and was interrupted by a would be intruder at Mayhar Tousi's home. The police were eventually involved. These people will stop at nothing to protect their corrupt existance.


The closer you get to a target with the truth bombs the more intense the flak. 

Lots of disillusioned Tories that have said they'll vote Reform, will actually revert to Tory when it comes to the crunch.

The wheels on his bus were always more wobbly than the polls make it look.

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