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Supreme Court Gives Us Presidents (Limited) Immunity In Criminal Acts In A 6 – 3 Majority Ruling

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Hymie | 08:07 Tue 02nd Jul 2024 | News
55 Answers

Already, Trumps lawyers have asked for his 34 felony convictions to be set aside based on the fact that elements of his criminal activity (for which he was convicted) were perpetrated while he was president.


If a US president was to thwart the transfer of power (following defeat at an election) which would be deemed as an official act, the president could not be prosecuted.


In the USA, everyone is equal before the law; just that some are more equal than others.

It looks like the USA really is about to become a Banana Republic.



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Right I'm going on a pilgrimage, I will return non-interfrastically.

There's a worrying digging in of heels here and it's not the usual suspect.

"They cannot have meant that the president is above the constitution and they are not putting through repealing amendments"

the president can face no legal consequences for breaching the constitution because he cannot be prosecuted for any official action. this ruling has not been made because the supreme court considers it the most authoritative legal interpretation of the constitution... it has been made because they wish to give donald trump an advantage because they are on his side.  

all this  - this hasnt given thepresident  unfettered power (according to Sotomayor it does - [who she den etc?]

is a bit like - if  it looks like a dog and barks like a dog.....

(= you can tell people and they wont be told. bit northern dialecty sozza)

"They cannot have meant that the president is above the constitution

that is exactly what Sotomayor in the minority report is saying - there are no Kings in the country ( but there are now)

ok I did my best all hail King Don!

“Orders the Navy’s Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune. Organizes a military coup to hold onto power? Immune. Takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon? Immune.

So says one of the three dissenting Supreme Court justices. Does anyone disagree with her? What about the six who voted against her I wonder ...

Of course, the election is forthcoming. What if Trump wins, but Biden tells Harris not to hand the reins over, much like Trump told Mike Pence not to do. Pence did the right thing, despite the death threats ... but that may not happen next time, or the time after.

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There is a reasonable chance that America will soon descend into outright civil war – already Trump has said that he will not accept the election result if he does not win, a number of Republican Senators have said the same (imagine if MPs here said that they would not accept the election result).


Trump is due to be sentenced on 11 July (for the 34 felony counts), he could well find himself sentenced to jail time.  If he wins the November election, it is certain that he will pardon himself even though the constitution does not permit a president to pardon State crimes – he has said he will be a dictator from day one.


Trump has also threatened retribution against those whom he believes have wronged him (prosecutors, judges etc) – he has said that he will instruct the State apparatus to prosecute them.

"Trump is due to be sentenced on 11 July..."

Mr Trump's sentencing has been postponed until Sepember:

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It had not been postponed at the time of my above post – at least it is before the November election date, and as the article says, it will be difficult for Trump to prove/show that the illegal payments to Michael Cohen were part of his presidential duties (and therefore immune from prosecution).

"It had not been postponed at the time of my above post..."

No it hadn't, Hymie. The postponement was announced at about 8pm UK time.



Rex non potest peccare,    innit ?

"Rex non potest peccare,"

Well he can do even less wrong now - innit!  🤣

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This youtube video includes Biden giving his views on US presidents being above the law – well worth a watch.


//There is a reasonable chance that America will soon descend into outright civil war//

A civil war is pretty much already happening.

It is being played out in Congress/Senate, the media, and the courts. It just hasn't descended into actual violence yet*

(* discounting the obvious attack on the capitol)

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