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Do I Go Out Tomorrow?

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abbeylee90 | 07:20 Mon 01st Jul 2024 | Family & Relationships
54 Answers

I've been invited out to my friends birthday tomorrow bit I got work 9-4  Wednesday and was going to change my shift. Should I change my shift and go?



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Abbey, don't ask if you can start later.  Just go to work and be there on time.  Don't drink alcohol, get home from your night out at 11 or 12 and be at work at 9 the next day.  That's not difficult.  Your employer wants you there when you're supposed to be there.  That's what they're paying you for.   You can't just do the job as and when it suits you.  Go to work, don't mess about, stick to the agreed hours, and do the best job you can.  That's how to gain an employers trust and respect - and that's how to keep a job.  Don't forget if you lose your job for the sake of nights out with your mates, your mates won't pay your wages.

"I'll see tomorrow if I can start later and will go home early."

Unbelievable (well perhaps not in this case), considering you're being monitored at work as they have concerns and you are still under probation so should be showing commitment and trying to impress. Clearly you don't value our advice. Do you ever ask your mum's advice, and so you ignore that too?

And don't ask if you can leave early either.  Just do the job at the hours you're paid to do it.  No one is dead.  This isn't special circumstances.  It's just a night out with your mates so nothing unusual.

9 am is later, they are not asking you to start at six. Those are the times you have been put on the schedule for, those are the times you should work. They don't create working schedules for fun.

All I can say is Thank Goodness you don't work in a job where  people's lives are on the line such as nursing. You have your schedule, apparently your boss denied a request for a change, you are on probation and you appear to think it is alright to ask to leave early and start later so you can drink! Grow up


If you call in sick, ask for time off, go in late...your boss will know exactly why.

Managers are more clever than you are and know all about fake excuses. Just don't do it! 

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Go home early in the night tomorrow  I mean

Do you mean that you will go home early from the night out. Yes that is a good idea and get to work on time

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Yeah go home about 11ish

Start behaving like an adult and start making your own decisions 

Abbey, are you still going to ask tomorrow if you can start work later on Wednesday? I don't think that's a good idea - and I don't know why you'd need that anyway!

So Abbey, Naomi, Barry and Mr Ed all claim Abbey is a real person that posts these puerile threads for members to offer advice on that is never listened to?

Hmm 🤔

I nearly believed that twaddle 🤣

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I cba really I feel bad as it her birthday bit she cancelled on me a few times.

Abbey, whether you go to the party or not, just ensure you are ready to start work at 0900 on Wednesday. No messing !  

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