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To Ladybirder

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Countrylover | 10:15 Mon 16th Oct 2023 | ChatterBank
10 Answers

Hope you look in.  How are  xyou today?



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I'm here Lottie thanks for your interest.  I feel better than I did yesterday but definitely not right yet.  Splitting head ache and coughing and the expected daily amount of 8 sneezes one after the other LOL.  Seriously that is a sign of COPD.

Hope your having a good day yourself.  xx

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Keep warm and rest.  I'll be checking up on you! 

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How's today been for your.  I'm not yet up and about!!  Feeling sorry for myself !!  But my lovely counsellor is phoning me tonight.  Lovely young man who always cheers me up!  We've become quite good friends.

Oh Sorry to read you're not up yet because you feel so rough.  I guess you won't sleep tonight if you don't shift yourself.  Wish there was something I could do Lottie, I really do.

But guess what, I too have a gorgeous handsome smiling young man who comes to see me every few weeks and sits at my feet for an hour!  Beat that if you can.  I do have to pay him £35.00 though but he's well worth it.

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Ha ha.  Toy boys!  Mine works from a yurt on his land in the summer, so has promised that when I'm up and about that he will bring his guitar with him.  We have the same taste in music.  The nice thing  now is that he emails or phones  me between appointments .  He's a bit of hippy odd ball which suits me just fine. 8.30 appt to night.  Haven't  met him in person but have seen photos.   Mr L gets sent in the other room!! ;0)  he has a completely different approach to any other councillors.  It works for me!

Cl  what does he do to your feet

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Actually Ladybird. Evenings and nights are my best time of day and I don't go go bed until the early hours so I usually sleep very well.  But not last night! 

I'm afraid mine is my Podiatrist Lottie.  But he is lovely and we don't stop talking and laughing for the whole hour.  

My bedtime is usually late, midnight or just after.  However, have felt that rough the last few days I have gone early after taking Melatonin (can't sleep without it now) but then I was awake at 4.30am.  Tried to get back to sleep but couldn't so got up.  I am then cream crackered early afternoon.  Grrrh!

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I'm off to see my other toyboy on Thursday, my osteopath.  It's been 15 years now but my first visit this year.  We chat through appointments.  I sometimes get a peck on the cheek on leaving.  His wife is nice too.  T o be honest, I've been stuck at home for three months or so.  My back gave out on me.  Sepsis, then cut opened up forehead to the bone from a fall.  and now this.  

Things can only get better!!  Xx

Mine is a travelling Podiatrist he doesn't have a base, just travels around. He's so busy he has had to start working Saturdays.  His customers are mainly disabled and old people who would find it difficult to get out.

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