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This Is Happening Too Often Now

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Bobbisox1 | 13:25 Sat 28th Jan 2023 | News
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Hexham is a sleepy little town not that far from where we live but sleepy town or large city , how can this be stopped?


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I would like to see mandatory prison sentences for everyone unlawfully carrying a knife
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Me too Barry, it’s probably because the prisons are overflowing now, that ,and soft judgement
Maximum sentence for being in possession is 4 years, so it could be done
For a 16 year old to do that it's more about how they were brought up rather than an increased deterrent IMO. Family break-ups, no family to start with, no role-models, no discipline, no ground rules or limits, every day access to some horrendous violence in films, TV and video games. Some of that must contribute.
Of course this particular one could just be an emerging psychopath.
I would like to see mandatory prison sentences for everyone unlawfully carrying a knife

non sequitur of the week ( and a newcomer to the contest as well). This was the kids first offence innit?

(oh I see: when he is dressing, he sees the blade on the dressing table and thinks: "leave that at home tonight, never know if I meet a girl I wanna stab")
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Bad taste answer PP
society becoming de-sensitized, especially teenagers these days it would seem, no fear of repercussions perhaps, or they don't care.
The problem with knives is the misplaced notion of 'respect' that young lads think they achieve by carrying a weapon.

Of course, in heated arguments, knives get waved around, and that's a very short step to adrenaline-fuelled rage taking over, and knives get used, often fatally.

The way to stop it is to educate young people that respect is earned by personal attitudes, not fear of violence.

But of course, it's not sexy enough for the government to put time and money into it, apart from the usual bleating about 'our children ...' which does nothing to actually address the problem.
//The way to stop it is to educate young people that respect is earned by personal attitudes, not fear of violence.//

And stiff mandatory sentences.

Say 1st offence carrying min 2 years, subsequent 5.

Use the knife, including waving it, 5 years min 1st offence 10 subsequent.

ABH with a knife you bought to the scene 10 years min, 20 years subsequent.

Kill with a knife you bough to the scene, for any reason, real actual life - no parole.

And I mean minimum not this soft hand 5 years do 2.

Tough on crime should be the mantra.

Build a few more jails if we have to but I suspect the bravado will wane pretty quickly once they see mates banged up for good periods.
AH 14.28. Blaming the government is a cop out and an abdication of responsibility. I agree with Prudie. Good parenting, on the whole, results in responsible, well-adjusted children.
Problem is children don't choose who their parents are and not all can be classed as 'good parents'. Mandatory prison sentence for first offence carrying weapons might help drum common sense in to some.
No point in allowing stiffer sentences when the ultra-soft judges ignore them. In the following case the maximum sentence was recently upped from 14 years to Life but the softee judge Paul Cook only gave the evil savage 10 years.
I came on here to say its not a problem that the govenment can solve or should be solving, but then saw that Naomi beat me to it. I totally agree with Prudie and Naomi.
So many people these days blame these goverment for everthing, and expect government support for all their problems.
It’s always someone else’s fault, lottie.
would not make a difference who is in government, it's a society problem thats been going on for years, what would make a sea change
erm.. stiffer deterrents maybe, prisons are over flowing as it is.
chain gangs capitol punishment mmm i don't know, glad im my age
though, seen to much rot set in.
The trouble with prison is that little thugs go in bad and come out worse. Going into prison becomes a badge of honour for some...more so if there is no adult support or someone to respect.
I believe you are right, pasta, absolutely, but it would help keep the general public safe and just might make youngsters, and older people, think twice before going out with a weapon of any kind
Unfortunately, i agree Fender. I feel the same.

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