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Getting Lots Of Ads For Cremation

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Bobbisox1 | 22:24 Sun 24th Jul 2022 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Maybe they know something I don’t?
Got a clean bill of health up till now ;)


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But,but Jura….got so much more living to do ;)
Well from what you post, Bobbi they probably just think you’re hot stuff. ;-)
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Not that hot I want to be cremated Gness ;)
When my son was little he announced he didn’t want to be buried or cremated. He wanted to be pickled. I’ll go with that. :-)
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I’ll get so pished when my time comes I’ll be already pickled ,haha
I've been told that you're frequently pickled, Gness.

(Perhaps I shouldn't listen to Dave though?)
The time to start worrying, Bobbi, is when you get ads from strange American religious groups, inviting you to "Click here NOW to get the last rites online for free. Don't burn in the fires of hell, just click our subscribe bell"
You listen to Dave, Chris! Glad someone does. As for pickled? Me? Stone cold sober since I have to drive past the Guards station on our way home. This alcohol free Guinness isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. :-(
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Don’t get them but lots of messages from Nigerian Princes who wish to marry me :0(
Putting 'alcohol free' and 'Guinness' in the same sentence (or, indeed, on the side of the same can) just shouldn't be allowed!
It shouldn’t, Chris! Arthur would be turning in his barrel.
The only thing good about Guinness is the alcohol anyway.

(I'll get my coat)

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