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Gas Or Electric Fire?

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barry1010 | 12:36 Thu 17th Mar 2022 | Home & Garden
9 Answers
My gas fire has just been condemned and the gas engineer advised me to replace it with an electric fire, much to my surprise. He isn't selling them.

I have never fancied an electric fire, believing them to be expensive to run and inefficient at heating a room, but maybe they have improved.

Any advice?


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Stick to gas mate. Electric in my view a very dry heat giving you a fuzzy head. Most have just a noisy fan heater. Can't really see much difference in cost the way its all going. But fan heaters are expensive to run.
Forgot to add. The only way they have improved is by looks.
I have a very efficient wall mounted electric panel heater than has various settings and a timer, economical and practical.
Newlec is the make.
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We have central heating, we just use the fire when we only want to heat the living room.
well I have both oil heating and the electric fire blow heater. Whilst I am waiting on the oil heating up I switch the fire on and within about 2 minutes the whole living room is on fire. Fabulous.
Also in recent years you have to have more clearance for the flues.We would like a new gas fire as ours has had it but as our next door neighbours garage is quite near our flues are too near under the latest regulations.
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Gas Or Electric Fire?

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