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Having Some Issues With Cd Playback

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emily1890 | 22:34 Tue 28th Dec 2021 | ChatterBank
2 Answers
I am having some issues with playing back a particular cd

I have checked the disk thoroughly, and it doesn't seem to be scratched. I have cleaned it for good measure, but I am still having some issues with it.

it isn't skipping, or getting stuck, however it is doing the following

1. as it goes round, it sounds like the disk is about to snap and break in 2 (making a really rough sound as it goes round)

2. their is interferance (not skipping), on the tracks. it almost sounds like 2 tracks are trying to merge in to one.

like I say, I've checked the disk, no scratches and seems clean.

any ideas?

I should also add that I have only had this disk for around 6 months, so it shouldn't have anything to do with age

thanks for any tips


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Can you, or a friend copy the disk?
I once had a new disk, and copying it was the only way I could play it.
Stick it in your comp and see if you can rip it.

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Having Some Issues With Cd Playback

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