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Is Masturbating To Only Someone Else's Voice Consider Cheating That's Not Of Your Lover's Voice?

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sunflower19 | 21:37 Thu 04th Feb 2021 | Body & Soul
26 Answers
you were talking to someone nice and friendly and then there was voice was nice and then you got horny that person didn't turn you on it was just that time of the month and just had a calm voice are you cheating on your lover if you just one sided masturbated without the calm voice person knowing? Please answer nicely


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LOL at Toorak :-D
I'm often amazed at some folks' definitions. Applies to questions too. If you want to consider it cheating no one's stopping you. Most would have more sense of proportion.

So how did the person trying to ignore you pleasuring yourself to their voice, react ? Did they think it inappropriate mid-conversation ?
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I am too wanked out to answer this.
am i allowed to write this ?

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