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Very Strange Really

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teacake44 | 15:47 Sat 30th Jan 2021 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
People who will queue for ages for McDonald's, yet moan like hell when they have to queue and wait for the vaccine. :0))


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ummmm, You don't need friends to be on facebook and you don't need to, as you put it stalk, to find out local information. As per my 15.07 post.
I know how facebook works. You couldn't read my page, it's private. If you are not a member you're just reading news. That's where all the moaning people post.
Very orderly fast moving queue, in and out in 15 mins. Advised not to turn up early as it disrupted the system. Had to wait after for 15 minutes after and told to beep the horn if any adverse reaction. Those on for waited inside. No complaints and lots of praise for the excellent organisation. I had to have a thinner needle and a deeper jab as on blood thinners.That was us and the same story from friends and relations in different areas. And theylent mea wheelchair and queue jumped me so I didn't have to queue outside at all
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17.52 ummmm, your missing the point, I already know that unless you make a friend or friends on facebook, their page is private. ( I know that!!) But anyone can join facebook, and join (local) groups within facebook. People complain about all sorts of problems not just the vaccine wait. They can also be useful for reporting local crime, and many many other things that are happening round about, that's why I join them. I don't talk to any of my friends on facebook, that's for kids to play with.
Are you sure they are the same people moaning about both, though, tc? Surely the over 80s having the vaccine now, aren't swamping fb, complaining about McD's?
The majority of people getting the vaccines are 75+. Do they really queue for McDonalds and moan about it?

No queuing for us when we had our jabs - it was in and out.
yeah the Newton heath one had about ten olds outside
Biting wind up t North today I can tell you
I`ve been volunteering at a vaccination centre. I haven't seen or heard anyone moaning about the wait. If people turn up before their appointment they join the queue and if they turn up late they do the same. Everyone gets seen quite quickly. I think that you are not talking from experience.
//I don't understand it. I park my car and walk in, get served in minutes.//

You'd struggle at the moment. Most McDonalds are currently only serving food either by delivery or drive-thru (sic) lanes.
Junk food, steer clear!

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