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Finding An Nhs Bosses' Name

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allenlondon | 16:07 Sat 05th Dec 2020 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
I want to make a complaint to our local District Nurse management (not about the nurses, but about the management!).

Very difficult to get a name from anyone.

Any ideas on how I can prise such information out of the very tight ass that is the NHS's privacy system?




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Put XXXXX ccg into a google search where XXXX is your local area. Brent ish arent you? if so then here
if elsewher, when you do you search as above, it will either have a search into which you type complaints or a contact us section
Make your complaint through PALS. When I was at work, all complaints had to be routed via PALS so that no one could hush up a complaint. Once received, it goes back to the appropriate place for investigation and action....also we were never allowed to investigate complaints about our own services. Either an HR expert or a head of a different department did it.
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Woofgang. Thanks, I'll pursue the PALS line - hushing-up is precisely what I'm afraid might happen!


Allen, and also thanks Bednobs. Yes, Brent, well remembered!
It should be on the website for the local health authority Management structure and current postholders should be published.
I never bother with PALS they are all about conciliation. There will be a complaints management dept. To be honest I would just go to the chief exec and let them pass it down.
i guess it depends on the organisation. Our PALs department were red hot....I know because I used to investigate complaints and also have been complained about (department not personally0
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Thanks rowan.

This is the main website.

From there, Departments & Services takes me to Community Nursing, but you’ll note the distinct absence of names of the Big Nobs!

Seems I’m stuck with PALS, for good or evil.

That's the hospital trust, you need the Primary Heathcare trust, I think you would be North Central
One person who will know is the practice manager of any large health centre as they will deal with district nurse managers to arrange cover . You could use my old trick of phoning one you know has district nurses based there and ask for the practice manager you can say you have some paperwork to send them but need to clarify some details with them directly. Practice managers are listed along with the GPs
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if you wife is in Northwick Park - - another thread
doing well I hope
then the ward staff there will know which primary care trust she came from because - - - she will be going back there

and let me put on my ponsey Pete hat on: NHS is dedicated to service improvement and PALS at NPH may well assist

(and be cocclehoop that you arent complaining about them)
Sorry ignore above you are probably London North West PCT if Northwick park is your local hospital. Same advice 're phoning a random practice manager applies.
Again Pals is liaison and conciliation not for complaints they have no authority to invoke disciplinary or service investigation only to act in an advocacy role. Everyone is told to use PALs because contacts are not recorded against the Trust in the same way. You get an apology perhaps but it's only kept practice will be changed
well done rowan

//so no breach of rules// - I wd be really really shocked if any NHS worker said his work station, address or email was confidential
or just use the complaints page I linked to in the first answer. The chief exec approves all the responses that go out anyway. It doesn't make it any quicker or better to write directly to the chief exec. Her/his pa will just open it see it's a complaint and pass it to the complaints dept. Ps Peter primary care trusts have not existed for around 9 years now

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