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Naughty Back Then, Two Ops In One

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teacake44 | 18:35 Sat 28th Nov 2020 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Back in the 40/50/60s there were very few things that you're parents could threaten you with if you missed behaved, may be you can't go out to play, or sent to bed early.
So what did you get threatened with? And what can you come up with now? may be, you won't go to McDonald's.


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don't think I ever got threatened with anything, maybe a
" wait till your Dad gets in" which never really amounted to anything anyway
Surely better to threaten, "If you don't behave then you'll have to have tea at McDonald's !".
Like Bobbi, I never got threatened with anything, no need.
My parents were very kind and liberal, I respected them enormously and had no need to rebel.
I don't think we did back then Vagus out of respect
Was a child in the 50's and 60's, never got threatened with anything. As above.
I don’t think it was that Bobbi, it was that we were allowed to do what we wanted and were trusted to be careful or nor get into trouble.
The worst thing I ever did was get drunk on barley wine when I was about 15, puked up all over my bed, mum changed the bed and nothing was recriminations, nothing. Made me feel even worse.
No 'Big Beetle Bert'...
Awww! Weren't you all WONDERFUL children?! Bless! :o)
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The Sunday school bunch. :0)
Lol!! at shoota!

I never got never entered my head to be naughty.
Well...not until I was 20. We were late starters in those days. ;)
The cane. I was made to go and fetch it from the cupboard upstairs. Pretending I couldn't find it added more strokes to my punishment. I think my mother enjoyed it.
Aww that's awful lb. need to be the unwanted child of Catholic parents to know about punishment.
The hours I spent on my knees on cold lino, hands in prayer mode, asking the plaster statue of the Virgin Mary to forgive me. Don't think she knew any more than I did what I'd done wrong.

What did I come up with? The worst was telling my two if they didn't behave we would take them back to Bridlington for a second holiday.
The Sunday School Bunch, mmmm funny you should say that :0)
Behave, or you won't watch Bootsie & Snudge!
no I never got threatened ever - I was a very good little girl and also a very good big girl. Done everything I was asked to do
The beat copper coming down the street - always checked the door of the Post Office was secure.

The old lady next door would wait over the garden hedge with a stick in one hand and a sweet in the other whilst I had my hair washed at the kitchen sink. I always got the sweet.
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Being a bit naughty at the park, ( you will go home if you don't be good) I mean were else would you go anyway ? Santa won't come, well when he did he only bought an orange in a dirty stocking. ( with a seam of course.

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