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I Helped Out Yesterday

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teacake44 | 12:29 Sun 06th Sep 2020 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
When out for lunch, popped into Aldi, got 4x bread rolls, 59p, miniature mature cheeses 49p, very small packet of ham 69p, one small bottle of orange juice 59p, total cost. £2.36. Found a bench to sit on, made up two of the rolls, yummy, and still had plenty left to take home for supper. Will need to take it steady next week can't keep spending willy nilly like this.


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Bargain ;-)and safe .
TC, who did that help?
So where was the butter/spread for the rolls ?
aldi for a start
Why should Aldi require help?
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Oh nearly forgot, walked through M&S on the way back, never seen them before, but at £4 per box wouldn't buy them any way, but at reduced price of £1.20, had two boxes of Billionaire's Pot's, cookie crumb chocolate' caramel sauce mousse, Belgian chocolate ganache. Couldn't eat them until I got home, no spoon. they were out of this world, but still wouldn't pay £4 for them. @12.30 very much so :0)
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12.32 You don't really need spread/ butter when you have the cheese, most of these takeaway shops spread some sort of rubbish on, and its not butter.
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12.31 Me!!
Well done T/C
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12.50, I think Hancock could do with some financial education, another 500 million being sunk into another duff test I fear. :0)
Is supper a snack if you get peckish after you've had dinner, or is it dinner?
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Well must admit after my rump steak dinner, and my chocolate M&S treat, I couldn't do supper of rolls, ham and cheese. But the latter will be my snack on my walk tomorrow, but the rolls may be a bit dry. :0)
A few seconds in the microwave will sort that.
Or you could toast them.
Did they not have teacakes on special offer?

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I Helped Out Yesterday

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