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Anyone Think The Demos Have Backfired On The Them?

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Bobbisox1 | 22:35 Sun 07th Jun 2020 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
I listened to a black guy on the news , he was disgusted at the wanton vandalism saying their message has been lost on those daubing paint on statues and police and horses being hurt, He spoke a lot of sense


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I don’t believe all lives matter at all including my own. We are a fractious species, practice cruelty with impunity, destroy our essential environment, murder innocents animals, human etc. Our stupidity is only dwarfed by our ignorance and selfish indifference.
The sooner this planet shakes off this virus humanity the sooner it can heal. The dinosaurs survived 200 million years. We’ve not even managed half a million and look at the state of us. So, no, all lives don’t matter at all.
Okay DS do you accept that all human lives have the same importance regardless of how they are lived? That for me is a much more difficult premise.
Everybody has a right to life and equality of opportunity, but not all lives are of equal value.
All the protesters want are high paying jobs and beautiful houses in beautiful areas.
Not much to ask, is it?
// equality of opportunity //

In this situation to a free 4K TV, or four in one case.
Maybe David nailed it.
Help the girl have a holiday if you can.
Thank you.

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Anyone Think The Demos Have Backfired On The Them?

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