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Two Choices On A Beautiful Sunny Morning.

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SparklyKid | 10:29 Tue 31st Mar 2020 | ChatterBank
48 Answers
Sit in the garden, or, chuck myself off the nearest cliff, not sure what to do.


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Sparkly you sit in the garden, play your guitar, have a fag and a rum and read the morning paper, life’s perfect, innit ?
10:45 Tue 31st Mar 2020
No offence, D but I think you are very average. (that's me being polite)
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Average is good,lol.
SK is doing something a lot here can’t so I’d say that’s good Roy !
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I only mess about to keep arthritis at bay,lol.
I haven't played a guitar since the kids came along and erm....enhanced... my life... if yours is better Roy, please show us x
No need to justify it, sparkly x
My choice today was to FINALLY clean the rollers on the gTech...eeuucchh, combined with a happy dance. I have a real sense of accomplishment. I must be easily pleased. Next is the more cumbersome Shark.
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Go for it pasta.

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Two Choices On A Beautiful Sunny Morning.

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