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Can You Imagine Life Without Electricity?

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naomi24 | 12:20 Wed 26th Feb 2020 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
We live miles from anywhere and had a massive power cut a while ago putting our electric out throughout a dark winter’s evening. No lights, no central heating, no cooking, no landline, no internet, no mobile phone charging, no television, no showers, no anything.

Imagine life before electricity. What would you miss most?

We found a solution for the evening. We went to the pub. :o)


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Way back in the 70s, before I bought my first house, I lived in a caravan in a disused quarry for five years. Rainwater ran off the roof into a tank. (You haven't lived until you've tasted coffee made with rainwater.) Gas bottles, cooker, gas fire for when I let the woodburner go out. Lack of electricity was probably the most difficult. I had a little portable TV...
13:51 Wed 26th Feb 2020
miss most? tinternet
The last time we had a power cut we did the same as you and drove 5 miles to the local pub. We ate well and stayed warm until it was time to creep home to bed. Luckily the power was restored the following day but more than 24 hours is a massive challenge.

It reminds me to keep my mobile phone charged while I'm at work and not always rely on doing it overnight. I could drive round in my car and charge it up if worse came to the worse.
I have got a wind the handle mobile phone charger
//I could drive round in my car and charge it up if worse came to the worse.//

maydup - there would be no need to drive around
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Maydup, we have a wood burner and always plenty of logs so we're never cold. That's one bonus at least.

Builder, that made me laugh. :o)
Thank you Naomi, for BA :o))

Yes, you're never alone with a woodburner. In all the caravans and site huts I've lived in, I was never cold.
That is, until I had to work outside ;o(

Boiling up kettles of hot water, then going outside for a good wash.
Now that was bracing ;o)
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What would I miss most ? Any reason to live I guess. Almost everything I do involves energy, mostly electrical energy.
We spent a week without electricity and water in the early 80s due to freezing rain bringing down the power lines and a water main burst. No landline, internet, TV? We had nothing. Luckily, we had a coal fired Rayburn and water butts in the field. I didn't really miss anything much because I had my radio and I was a mad music fan so I was OK. I have very happy memories of that time.

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