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It's Baaaaacckkkk....

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pastafreak | 12:54 Mon 10th Feb 2020 | ChatterBank
37 Answers
The STORM...woke to bright and breezy sunshine. It's now hammering down...looks almost white, there's so much rain.


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Hertfordshire.....just started again here, heavy rain and very windy. Feel sorry for the men working outside our flats putting new cladding up!!
We are enjoying a second visitation too.
Just been out on foot, although it looks sunny came back freezing.
My son is moving and I (foolishly) agreed to have his 5 dogs for this week whilst the upheaval happened.
My garden is now a swamp and 8 dogs will be using it. #muddyfloors #dirtycarpets #muddytrousers #whydidIdoit?
How lovely of you to agree to do that Shoota. That would be a bit too much for me.
I can’t afford this storm, I’m not made of money, go away.
// arrgghh where are all these "heres". Do i have to worry (hampshire)//

well in Hammersmith and Hampshire - hurricans hardly happen.
but they are gonna this week ! - was on the one oclock news. Get yer helmets on and get your yayas out (*)
OK cover the yayas then

(*) Mick this time
// My garden is now a swamp and 8 dogs will be using it//
erm so we conclude
in really stormy weather, some dogs undergo binary fission ?
Your Answer..well, we've had it all here today - wind, rain, snow, hail and now bright sunshine. Yuk
No Peter, I have 3, my son has 5, even with my CSE maths I'm fairly sure that makes 8.
The binary fission will have to wait until the dogs have gone.
Yep we had it all here too. Been very dark lately and wind still gusting with rain, sleet and snow. Seems to be like a sheet waving in the wind. I thought it would have passed by now but this is obviously Ciara's remaining wrath.
This is co. Limerick
Totally off topic I'm afraid, but the talk of bog rolls and yellow warnings reminded me of a notice I once saw in a "green" public toilet in respect of conserving water :-

If it's yellow let it mellow
If it's brown, flush it down
It's all very calm here now (SW London) was a bit wild earlier.
I thought it had gone... was sunny here earlier, but have since had snow, rain and hail. Lots of roads flooded and more branches down.
Came steaming in to land on a Dreamliner this morning. Bumpy approach and the tail of the aircraft was dropped quite alarmingly before touchdown but it was a perfect landing. All's well that ends well.
Horizontal hail here in Som.
The weather expert on BBC Reporting Scotland gave notice of as bad if not worse to come this week through a massive low pressure system stretching fro Greenland to Spain.


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