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Woke Up Fresh As A Daisy And It's Just 4-30 Am

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Bobbisox1 | 04:30 Sat 14th Sep 2019 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
What's that all about ?
I feel ready to do a good days housework already lol
I might even catch Boatys GM thread this morning


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Do the Dyson dance, get the Whirlpool whirling, awaken one and all.
I'm sure they will be happy ;-/
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I think Mr Bobbs would wake up if I was to do that at this ungodly hour loz :0)
Ruddy 'eck! It's not even time to go to bed yet!
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Chris I might go back to bed, I'll be no good at 10am haha, being nocturnal and full of life is not my thing lol
Copious amounts of caffeine Bobby, you'll be bouncing off the walls all day.
Morning bobbi xxx If you've gone back to bed IO hope you've managed to get back to sleep.

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