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What Words Have Crept Into The English Language Over The Last 10Yrs ?

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Bobbisox1 | 12:01 Sun 01st Sep 2019 | ChatterBank
52 Answers
BREXIT, the obvious one
MOOT, when something is moot,what does that mean?
SNOWFLAKE not the icy type
SCREENTIME, when someone's glued to their mobile phone

Can you think of anymore?



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I was having a nice meal the other day with a group of elderly ladies. and the waitress said can I get you guys anything else? It just didnt sound right to me at the time. I thought to myself we are in a restaurant not an Americen Diner?
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Another Americanism, same as "Have a nice day" you just know they don't mean it , haha
The word "cannabutter"
I suppose I could of meant to say snuck. I have only heard this horrible Americanism creep into the English Language wiv wot I am familiar.I thought it sounded like snook. Said in the context as,'He snook up up on the guard' Very similar to my hatred of the way they say,'The kids dove off the bridge.'
Sorry if my interpretation caused confusion. I wrote snook as I thought it sounded having never seen it written as snuck
I was thinking retro - -
as I word I mean

they come and they go - who hears - groovy-baby! ya-yas, kinksville, anti-kinksville, radiophone, microbe ( to a person) or even bang bang shang-a-lang?

one of our teachers was Dragsville Reid - you had to meet him to get the full flavour of that one
oh and one to please AOG
what about - jihadi and hijab ?
snuck - sneak

strong and weak aorist - like Hanged or hung
dived and dove
pleaded and pled
bereaved and bereft

the trend being the regular displaces the irregular....
Just reflecting on your opening gambit, Bobbisox. "What words have crept into the English language over the last 10 years?" Then you go on to list Brexit as your first choice. I don't think the word Brexit 'crept' into our psyche; it gatecrashed it's way in there like a hurricane, hollering and shouting, banging drums and blowing trumpets:-)
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Haha, you know something Ken? You're right
I've noticed 'tough' coming back into favour, especially but not exclusively, used by sporty types.
I have wondered if it was one of those bet things where it had to be used as often as possible, regardless of context, for the amusement of the group.
There’s a list if you want one:

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What Words Have Crept Into The English Language Over The Last 10Yrs ?

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