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Any Use To Anyone

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sherrardk | 21:39 Wed 28th Aug 2019 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Came across an app today that lets you take advantage of discounted food from restaurants and bakeries that would have had to throw it out otherwise - it’s of no use to me as I appear to live in the Middle Ages. The all is called ‘too good to go’ :)


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Thank you both. I like the idea of that and will download it on to my phone.
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I looked at it for boy #1, looks good because you can book your bag of goodies so you’re guaranteed to get something.
Middle Ages eh. They got a hog roast they are slinging ? Or a saddle of Robin Hood's venison ?
Looks a great idea, am sure it will prove popular.
Ha ! One needs to log in using e-mail or Bookface. Blow that. They have no need of our info just to indicate where someone is keen to sell.
You could request they wrote to you, but doubt the food would still be fresh or even available in your chosen location.
What a fantastic idea.
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There seems to be mostly vegetarian/vegan options for Bristol so I’m hoping boy #1 will take advantage occasionally to get some ‘good’ food in him when he goes off to Uni (sob).
They don't need to write. The service is to provide details of where to find such food. The app should be able to do that from knowing where you have asked to look. All else is just data gathering.
You still waiting for that taxi you ordered O_G, because you wouldn't give them the address?

I've passed the info on Sherr to some who may take advantage of it.
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Good gravy, some people suck the positive out of everything.

That’s good Mamy, hope someone gets some use out of it - saving waste food plus some of it looks really nice (and I’m über fussy).
I have no transport to nip out and pick up, but students in a Town/City environment could really benefit.

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