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Dna Tests

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Scarlett | 13:14 Wed 19th Jun 2019 | Body & Soul
8 Answers
What do you think of these dna tests that can give you your likelihood of you getting certain diseases like Parkinson’s? I’m not sure I want to know. Even though to know might be a really good idea so you can try and take steps to avoid it?!


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Bad bad idea without medical and counselling support. I thought this anyway but I know someone who was tested for a genetic disease and she says she would never have got through it without support.
I don't know much about the disease, but do know that a small percentage of cases of PD are genetically linked.....AND....theses genes have to mutate and even then they may not caused PD.
Also with the genes, there has to be an extrinsic factor (environmental) that has to be present.
Too many ifs and buts for sqad...........i am not interested.
P.S if there was a family history of breast cancer and if i was a woman then i might accept genetic counselling. However, if I found out that i was at risk, what would i do? Have both breasts removed|?
That's what Angelina Jolie did.
yes, women sometimes do that - but I don't think they necessarily wait for DNA tests, they just look at what happened to their mothers and grandmothers.
This has been done on here a few times, but you don't need DNA. The Death Clock will tell you when you're gonna peg out. This one says 2033 for me. Another one says 2031. I don't believe either of them!
I have had one done at the hospital for breast cancer as we have a family history of it. It means that I go for yearly mammograms now rather than wait till I am of the right age to start on the NHS program but other than that, I think that the kits are a little bit too much hit and miss.
I didthe deathclock and apparently im already dead!!!!

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