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kvalidir | 12:20 Sat 29th Sep 2018 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Not really a question just some eye candy for the laydees.

Tom Hardy - Daddy AF :) x



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He's lovely. Too young for me though! One of the reasons I like him is because he is a huge dog lover ...
How does he feel about tiny dogs?
Well handled Mr Hardy!
They get stuck in his throat hc.
I can see that would put him off
Forgot to say kval, brilliant interview !
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Isn't he lovely? He's about the one man I'd leave Mr Kval for ;-) x
Yep....obviously we don't know him but he always comes across as such a nice person. He seems to love children. My mother always told me when I was little to always look for a person who loved children and animals because neither can lie and both can sense you.
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Yeah I agree with that Ummm, my man is like a magnet for kids and animals, but did you see tom Hardy's wife playfully kick him up the *** on the red carpet somewhere? They look like they have a lovely fun relationship x
I saw him in the last Mad Max film and I thought he was awful. He was just a sullen lump. At least Mel Gibson actually looked mad (possibly because he is). dad was a magnet as well. Little ones loved him.

One time we went on holiday and Geese used to follow him and if any of us went near him they attacked us :-) It's was funny because we sat and had a picnic and he had to sit on his own, with the Geese :-)

And stray dogs....We don't see many stray dogs anymore but back in the 70's there was quite a few and they followed him even though he kept telling the to eff off.
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That's funny, that's just like him Ummm, everything follows him everywhere and he can't get rid of them :)

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