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Confuseing/weird Problems

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Elisaaa | 15:39 Sat 03rd Mar 2018 | Family & Relationships
28 Answers
So what if you live in a place that you hate?:(
And you do not have any way to change your home ..or to move somewhere els?...
I can not used to live here AT ALL..and its been a years..


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Dear fiction factory....
Stop answering me..and abuseing useing harsh rude words....
If you can not help....

We all feel sad and depressed sometimes.and i do not see anything bad in talking about my feelings here.
Elisaaa, FF wasn't being abusive but we are all at a distance and trying to piece together the information you've given us.

Every possible step out of your dark place has been met with negativity and I understand that's how you feel - but please accept we are mainly lay people who only have out own experiences to go on.
^ our own
the title says it all really. Your problem is confusing and weird to us.
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I did not neg for your answer BEDNOS
Ill ne glad if you leave me aone insted of answerin my question with a unpleasent language.
Let m make you can mot ba a goid helper.not at all in this case....
Elisaaa, Bednobs has only repeated the words you yourself used in your title - not unpleasant.

AB Members are a very caring and resourceful group of people, by getting angry and super defensive it isn't easy for people to know how best to respond.
I think you need professional help Elisaaa, rather than ours to be honest. There is a limit to how much people will put up with being abused and lashed out at when they are trying to help what is essentially quite a rude and obtuse stranger. We all want to help you but you aren't assisting us to understand the situation so we can't, and now you are angry and rude to the people who are trying to help you. Go and see your GP if I were you, tat would be a very good start in getting you more on track.
eh? i only used your language, so if you think it's unpleasant, then you also have been unpleasant. See it from our perspective - how can anyone help when you give very few details, and then go on to imply you are being held hostage? it IS very confusing, and indeed weird. If you actually want any serious suggestions and help, give us a clue!

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