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Toast To Mikey

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murraymints | 16:40 Fri 23rd Feb 2018 | ChatterBank
58 Answers
We plan a coordinated toast to mikey tomorrow at 1pm... some of us have acquired his favourite lidl wines... please join together to raise a glass..cuppa...whatever to say a fond adieu to our friend... Boaty will most likely post at the time or shortly before...


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Lovely and LOL with you gness. Would you be willing to lead the toast in the evening Gness? Having suggested it I would like to ensure the role of leading it at 7pm is in more reliable hands than mine!
Having only just seen DTC's post I'm still in shock.

I will of course be thinking of him and raising a mug of tea (stopped drinking alcohol after Xmas!).
I'm sure he has helped me with crossword clues over the years, I'll be there
1953 or 4, not a great year for French Bordeaux, so I'll open a year of my birth, toast him, and save the rest for England stuffing the Scots at Murrayfield later - or for commiseration, hopefully not needed, my question tonight being the spread bet and England by how many?
I don't drink wine so I'll be either raising a pint of ale or sipping on a glass of whiskey to say a fond adieu to our friend ( I still haven't gotten over it, a terrible shock ).
have you changed your e-mail, tony, got a kick-back......
Nooooo, same email address DT.
I will be doing a little 16-20 and 21-25 DT. Perhaps put Launchbury in a scorecast too. Scotland boys are pretty quick themselves and will be covering the wings. Fancy our pack to go through the middle, early on anyway. I will now have to start at 1PM and maintain momentum until at least 7PM by the looks.
Maydup......I'll put my mind to something to post just before honour of Mikey......

It says so much about the man that his death has had such an impact on so many of us......x
I'll try a test, tony.....

Togo, think I'll look at the spreads on either side....
Thank you Gness, all being well I'll be here with you all tomorrow evening at 7pm. Xx
Tea in my case [china with lemon] but a heartfelt toast all the same.
I'll be driving all day and half the night but I'll give a solemn nod.
You never know the minute as they say. Night Mikey.

I will be raising my glass of red merlot.
I will raise a cup of tea to Mikey at one as I have work in the afternoon when I get home at midnight I shall raise an alcoholic drink to him! Rip Mikey and little willie
Hi murraymints and others. Will be raising a glass also. Wouldn’t it be better to do this face to face all in a video room like tinychat?
I shall join in at 1900 (7PM) too. A grand idea!
I'll join in at 7.00 p.m. too. :) x

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