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Brazilian People

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Malandro | 16:54 Thu 11th Sep 2003 | People & Places
2 Answers
I've met a guy from brazil whose facial features are very similar to those of Rivaldo (brazilian footballer) and I was wondering if there was a region of brazil that they might come or something where these facial features are common? If you don't know what Rivaldo looks like, a google search will explain as he has quite a distinctive face


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Hard to tell what you mean by his 'facial features' but Rivaldo comes from Recife in the North-east of Brazil . A significant majority of people from that wide area who share more or less his racial heritage (Amerindian, white, black African), as well as his economic background (*very* poor). Brazil has had a massive internal migration from the North-east to the South - Rio, Sao Paolo etc -- in the last 30 years so the 'look' is now more widespread.
The post above is absolutely correct. However, it still is possible to identify someone's region of origin by their facial features. The North-east does have people who look very much like Rivaldo.

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