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Out Of Interest ....

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Bazile | 14:55 Mon 12th Feb 2018 | ChatterBank
37 Answers
...what would you do if an item in your grocery was missed by the cashier and was not charged for ?

In our case we went back to supermarket and informed them
Price of item - £ 3.60


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The cashier would be on the minimum wage if so I would like to think I would go back,but if it was coming out of Tesco profit then no way Pedro
They might sack the cashier, jordy.
A little unpaid for goods tale....

A friend was shopping in a small DIY store carrying his toddler in his arms and over his shoulder....
When he arrived home and took off his big, furry anorak he found that his little one had filled the hood with small packets taken from the shelves she could reach as he walked around......nails, screws, washers etc......yes, he went back... :-)
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In my case the cashier would not be affected if i didn't inform them because no one would have been the wiser .

Also , given that the SM is one of the big 4 , i doubt that one item being missed would have registered anywhere in their system ; given also the item of food was a 'create your own'
In the dim distant past when using a cashier I have noticed an error and pointed out the missed item. Have also found things when I got home, nothing of any value but couldnt be bothered, my time is money too after all. I probably would if it was of significant value, but then that sort of item probably doesnt get mistakes.
Yeah, but once you drew it to their attention they'd have known exactly which cashier to reprimand/dock/sack.
Funny enough a similar thing happened just the other day at Tesco... I was nattering to the lady at the check-out (Old woman that I am) and she asked an Item back as she hadn't scanned it, I was more than happy to do so.
I went back to a pub to pay for a pub meal bill - but everyone knew my Dad so it wouldnt be forgotten but more discussed if I didnt ( gor social pressure in Darzet!)

and to a chinese to pay for the lobster ( 'we want to come back here!') -

oh and at a garage which sold xampagne ( excuse me was that champagne?) - I said you havent charged me for 5 bottles - and they said no we charged charlie the one before you. yeah £200 for a can of petrol and he didnt notice ....
and it was quickly sorted....

£3.60 hmmm - oh did I tell you that the grooms half sister did a runner from his wedding ( that must be wrong !) and so they plooped her room charge on MY bill which I paid in a haze - - - and then .....
everyone wondered why I didnt pay Saucy Salz charge without comment, instead of squawking like a girlie.

Bus conductor - they used to take it out of the busmanz wages but that is now unlawful
I probably wouldn't notice. But if I did I'd probably keep quiet. The amount of times I've left behind stuff on the counter that I'd paid for!
I definitely wouldn't notice but even if I did I wouldn't drive back 11 miles round trip to tell them.
I always check as I pack, so yes I would go back and tell them.
You would only know if you compared each item on your receipt with your purchases. I certainly don't do that.
I got to my car with my trolley, and groceries in bags. There were a couple of items in the bottom of the trolley that might not have gone to the cashier's shelf, or might have fallen out of the bag after I'd paid. The cashier had thrown away my receipt, so I couldn't check. I just kept them.
Every time I go to that supermarket now I double check that everything's gone through.
I have more than once been charged for two items after purchasing only one. Never bothered going back as I would have to lug all the shopping to be compared to receipt etc. Have occasional item not ringed up for, ditto. Swings and roundabouts.
One thing to consider is that if you go back the cashier might actually get into trouble for getting it wrong on the first place.
I'll fret a little the very day after they don't need a skip round the back of every store to cart away spoilage and damages.

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