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One Dog Or Two?

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anthro-nerd | 11:53 Fri 02nd Feb 2018 | Animals & Nature
23 Answers
I currently have one dog (as I'm sure many of you on here already know!)

Considering getting him a friend... he's super social and laid back, not jealous and loves other dogs...

Eep. Do I get another?!


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How old is your current dog, and what breed?
It makes a difference
I'm probably not the best person to comment as I have seven! Apart from the very first who was an only dog for 3 years I have always had a multi dog household.
Well I've got 3 so I'd say yes. Dogs are a pack animal and try as we might to entertain and be company for them we can't speak dog. A dog with the company of another of its kind is in general far happier, there is the odd exception of course.

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