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For Lore.

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Redbel | 23:42 Fri 07th Jul 2006 | Body & Soul
11 Answers
Hi Lore *waves from across the water*.
Congratulations on the Nappy news. x


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Our BEZ is pregnant? Really? Oh the poor mare...I Mean...what wonderful news! congrats hon
Oh gawd, sorry BEZ, I meant's kick in with me soon, honest!
LOL B00 - that's how rumours get started!

Congrats Lore!
Question Author
Jeeze can't keep anything a secret around here can ;)
sorry, sorry, sorry.......

Hangs head in shame......

I'll behave- honest :-(
Good one Boo! And you haven't even got the drink as an excuse lol !! Congrats Lore!! When's Little Lore due then?
Question Author's ok mate..I'll forgive yer ;)
Well it's good thing I wasn't trying to keep it quiet! :P

Bez, you better wriggle on down to peacocks to get me a new dress!!

Thanks for the congrats everyone x
I'm due Nov 8th, looking swell and feelign great :D

p.s. Bez, guess where Peacocks have branched out?

Feeling* - pah!!
ho lore! glad you and bump are progressing nicely, i visit ivillage occasionally but never seem to find you!
Not sure if you'll get this boobs... I've found Bounty to be little more entertaining!! I'm in due nov and waltz around the debates & general pg section. - called Lore on there too

Hope you & bump are well sweetie xx

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