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Moving into a new house- what rights do I have?

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tazzy | 22:03 Tue 27th Jun 2006 | Home & Garden
5 Answers
I have recently moved into a new house and the developer has not yet tarmaced the roads. I was told by a delivery person that we could claim for new carpets once the roads had been finished. Is this correct ?


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check your contract with the building company
Its unlikely to be in your contract for purchase, but you could look. If it isn't, what grounds do you feel you have for claiming new carpets? - that's the first question the company is going to ask for you. There is no automatic right, if that's what you meant.
hes not a delivery driver for his brains
Developers are very bad at getting their roads 'adopted' so you might find you are living in a private road which means that the local Council do not have to collect abandoned vehicles or street clean or any of the other services you would expect, although they will still collect refuse. I do not know about the tarmac situation but it sounds unlikely to me.
dave2222 - just because someone has a lower paid job does not mean they are stupid. I was in sales and had reached National Account manager / Area Sales Manager level when I decided I'd had enough of the pressure. So I chucked in my highly paid job with company car and expense account and went to be a postman, as did a Sales Office manager friend of mine. No problems, no pressure, wonderful life. So don't tar everyone with the same brush.

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Moving into a new house- what rights do I have?

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