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Earlybird Breakfast

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nailit | 07:13 Wed 26th Apr 2017 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
Ive never been one for these ''what are you having for dinner/tea'' type threads but this is a more ''scientific'' (couldn't think of a better word) type question.
Since having to get up at 5am everyday to get my son of to work, Ive taken to having a cooked breakfast...this morning it is bacon, tomatoes and toast...whereas before I would probably just have a piece of fruit or just a cup of tea. It seems as though my metabolism has changed with my waking up time. I'm ravenous in the morning now but eat less throughout the day.
Why is this and what do the early birders breakfast on. I'm curious.


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That must be the Irish name for it. :-)
minty do what we did ,bought a cheap fridge ,you can get loads of bottles in then lol xx
Ummm, are you from traveller/ gypsy background ?
mally I already have a second goody fridge !! lol xx
I never used to eat breakfast at all. Last year I was put on medication that makes me really nauseous if I take it on an empty stomach. I bought a nutribullet and started having smoothies - discovered frozen avocado halves - yum. I enjoy breakfast now and have lost over a stone in weight.
muesli (not knitted together with yogurt)

sometimes poached egg or beans, tomatoes on toast.
Anne - no, why?

MM - Why is it naughty? Healthier than a bacon roll I would say.

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