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tinkerbell23 | 22:08 Sun 09th Apr 2017 | Body & Soul
9 Answers
I havent saw my GP....

A doctor in work said i have laryngitis.... i could hardly speak my voice is improving... however now I am totally floored!!

I have headaches... the pain travels down my arms! Sneezinh fits, throat pain, i just ache!

I have spells of feeling fine... then a few hours later i feel horrendous!

I dont want to bother GPs but I am thinking of going tomorrow?

I did get given inhales about 2months ago for a wheeze due to viral infection.

Theres not a week that goes by that i dont have a coldsore. I really do feel awful.

Only relevant history is a tonsillectomy in Nov x


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Poor lass, you are having a rough time - if you can be seen tomorrow then do so, even if self help is all that is advised.
I know you are well aware of keeping up fluids and home remedies to soothe such as honey and lemon.

One old fashioned thing that has helped me is a whole boiled onion with butter, wonderfully silky on the throat.
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Theres an open surgery if i go & wait mamya! Im annoying myself ... i just cant pick myself up! I hate it! Im really dragging myself to work some days im just shattered! Mabye even just a wee set of bloods? X
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I do drink loads of water usually ... i could do better though of late.

I love that SMART water! X
I dont want to bother GPs but I am thinking of going tomorrow?

Get yourself of to the doc's tomorrow, tinks. Thats what their here for.

Theres not a week that goes by that i dont have a coldsore.

Sounds like your run down and could do with a rest to me.

Yes a blood test or two would be an idea, eat a varied diet too?
This all sounds viral in need to see a doctor.
Ibuprofen 600mgms every six hours, go to bed and drink plenty.
Blood tests? not had a full blood work up at the end of last year. All will settle within the next 7 days.
//Theres not a week that goes by that i dont have a coldsore. //
hi tony if that is the case I would think about taking acyclovir permanently - see your doctor.
yeah yeah I know not on thread ....sozza
( and yes I am on acyclovir permanently ....)
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Thank you!!

I did suggest oral aciclovir to my GP but they wanted to see me and i never got round to it!!

the doc suggested viral two months ago. If anything its worse rather than better.

Ill live though! I really will lol x

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