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Have I Got New For You; Another Bbc Leftie Love In

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youngmafbog | 22:15 Fri 11th Nov 2016 | News
75 Answers
These people just dont get it do they?

The masses have had enough of liberal elitism. Their day is done, when will the luvvies learn?



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Thanks for reminding the OP (and others) that there is a fatter version on Monday to get even more offended by. Naomi can set her blood to boil again Monday.
Gromit, oh dear. If that's the best you can do I would suggest it's time for you to call it a day. :o)

Ladybirder, not a lot we can say about that is there. ;o)
Well I'm staggered at some of the rudeness on this thread but then that's not an unusual position to find myself in.

I did find the clip posted cringeworthy and not at all what the show should contain , it descended into a debate, quite wrong to my point of view.
I am genuinely perplexed at why people keep watching a programme that offends them?
I do not rush down to the newsagents every morning to buy a Daily Mail because I know it will offend me. So why people tune in to HIGNFY every Friday just to witter about how leftie biased it is, is a mystery.
Just don't watch, and the problem is solved.
Gromit, climb down, read the posts, and get a grip. No offence mentioned.
I must be soooooooo hitech, we have a machine that changes channels just by pressing a button. ( I kid you not )
FGS Naomi has said she isn't going to watch it any more. How many more times.
Naomi I don't know how you stand it day after day I really don't.
anneasquith, I won't ask you to read the posts. It will make no difference to you.
ladybirder, I find human psychology - especially the deliberately wonky kind - quite fascinating. ;o)
I really enjoyed this week's episode. Maureen Lipman was entertaining, Rich Hall was droll.

I have watched every episode and yes, some are better than others, some are sublime and some are a bit meh - but something either tickles my funny bone or sounds a claxon in every episode.

Hislop and Merton are merciless to every politician that appears on the show, regardless of their politics and some panellists show a totally unexpected side of themselves, others show that they really are as obnoxious as I suspected.

If it's not your thing, don't watch it. As with all panel shows, it is a cheap entertainment show and not worth ruffling your feathers over
I wish I did. I'm going to bed. Night. x
I must make a list of programmes I do not watch and post about how terrible they are. That will be entertaining and topical :-/
Oh let me start......... Never watch the soaps , but what goes on is a liberty !!!
Gromit, I wouldn't do that myself, but if it pleases you do it. That'll keep you entertained.

hc4361, other people's feathers are ruffled, but not mine. I simply find it quite sad to see a programme I've watched and enjoyed for years degenerate into the performance I witnessed last week.

Bedtime for me too, Ladybirder. Night all.
Wise move N .

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