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Well Well Well

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queenofmean | 13:49 Thu 27th Oct 2016 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Eye hospital went very well.

The nurse I spoke to was of a similar age to myself and we are under the same team at the infirmary. We've been through similar experiences. We ended up having a chat and it was lovely.

Dr (was the really nice one) is happy with my eyes. Going to have a top up of laser in 2 months time but other than that go back in 7 months :)

Diabetes is still stable...been quite low today but brought back to normal levels and doing well - feel like a new person.


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Fantastic! Keep it up (if you know what I mean!!)

All very positive, good news, keep it up QoM.
Great stuff, onwards and upwards Queenie.x
That is good news QOM, nice to read some.
Question Author
Oh don't worry Andy-Hughes - I will be. If this gets me to where I want to be and let's me have what i really long for then I will.

Thank you Baldric and Mamya :) I fell like I've done a full 360 turn since Monday and I LOVE it.

Even managed to identify my issues and I've sorted that out too :)
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Aww bless Arksided :) I'm glad I have been able to bring some good new to the table for once

love the new avatar btw
Good news. Bet that put a spring I'm your step :-) xx
Keep those positive thoughts going
Question Author
It did Patsy...never been known to leave the eye hospital looking like the Cheshire Cat! xx

Thank you Fraser - I will. It's long over due and I know I can do this just needed to stop doubting myself
QOM, it really is lovely to read that your doing well. As for my avatar well it's not just for Christmas... it will change again this weekend. Yours is cute too.
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It makes a change though...I just would like the Anxoety to go away and I'd be perfect but I guess hat will take time and a bit more work on my part. Still got 2 appointments to go so I'm hoping for good news from them too although one i don't think will have changed. It has been the same in 2 years.

Aww thank you :) love Peanuts/Snoopy - blame nungate for that one!! I'll change mine on Tuesday I'd imagine :)
You are amongst friends on here, hope it goes well for you. Is Snoopy looking for Woodstock.. bless him.
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I am indeed :)

Lord knows...sadly I don't think Woodstock is in there (he's so cute too)
Hi queenofmean,

Great to see you doing so well and feeling better for it too....keep it up, my lovely :-) x
Glad to read that you're doing so well, QoM :-) x
Question Author
Thank you Yogi and LIK :)

I've just got off the phone with my nurse and she's very surprised how quick things have changed but she like all you lovely ladies and gents has told me to keep it up - I will be :)
This is good to read queenie, keep smiling and we will smile with you.
good to hear that, Queenie....guidance from above perhaps.....

Whooooooo. xx
Question Author
Haha might get sore cheeks.

Could be DT...I've convinced my nurse to change tactics toooooohhhhhh ;)

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