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weecalf | 19:25 Thu 13th Oct 2016 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
have you ever been mistaken for some one else ,don't mean off the telly or a well known face .There is a man I met in the bookies don't know him from Adam but he insists he goes to hear me sing most Saturday nights I put him at ease and told him to savev his money as I'm an awful singer and don't go out on a Saturday night


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i'd have to find out where it was and nip along one saturday evening ...

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Might even go myself any chance of a lift ?
People keep telling me I look like Brad Pitt.

Do you down our Chipshop wee?
No I don't wee down your chipshop

work down ^^^^ Doh!!!!!!
LOL at hopkirk :-)
I went into a busy Birmingham pub one lunchtime and tried to get served by the barman who was working at one end of the bar. After several minutes of trying to catch his eye, I gave up and tried to get served by the barman who was serving customers at the far end of the bar. Again, no luck. Then I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned round to be told by the manager "Come on now. You know that you're barred and you can see that you're not going to get served, so let's have you on your way, shall we?".

It was only when I told him that I'd only been in Birmingham, for the first time in my life, for a mere twenty minutes (and he realised that I'd not got a Brummie accent) that he realised that I must have a double!

Actually most of my doubles seem to frequent pubs. Several times people have mentioned seeing me in bars which I've been nowhere near at the time!
My father looked like Ephraim Zimbalist jnr apparently
( star of Sunset strip if anyone has a long memory)

Did the Manager buy you a double,then,I would have asked for whisky.
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77 Sunset Strip! I just about remember it.
^^^ I did get a free pint of beer, Unsureme ;-)
my horse riding fren' who HAS an identical twin (!) was arrested atop of his gee-gee ( Candy ) for one of the twins misdeeds. Man and horse were taken down to Knutsford Police nick where he went in and the horse was tethered outside ( fifties - when in those days there were still horse thingeys you tied your horse to outside houses)
When I was younger I was told I looked like Hayley Mills several times !
My mother once rang me and asked why I had totally blanked her when she spoke to me on the High Street the previous week. I told her that it was because I was in Paris at the time.

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