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Svejk .where Is Our Good Friend

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retrocop | 18:54 Fri 15th Jul 2016 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
Hope he is OK. He seems to be missing out on a lot of cut and thrust at the moment. I miss his humour.


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Well done, ignore the negativity :-)
PP has never said anything nasty or snide about any of us, he is intelligent and entertaining. His writing 'style' is unusual, unique even, and usually I can understand most of it.

Remember that there is no such things as a 'normal' person (or so my psychiatrist says) - we all all odd & weird and a product of the old 'nature, nurture' stuff. This is what makes this site fun.

Svejk might be on his holidays. :-)

I'm afraid you're wrong, Wolf. He launched a very personal and unprovoked attack on me in News.
Heavens! Just been a bit busy. Nice of someone to notice, though. ;o)
I am sorry to hear that NoM, that is totally out of order. Personal insults that are intended to hurt are never acceptable.

I am now off to speak to my moggies - a species that I understand (unlike our own) and I hope everybody has a good Caturday.

There are times we are not always aware of a persons " issues"

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