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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:30 Thu 12th May 2016 | ChatterBank
54 Answers
Thursday. Well it's stopped raining at last. Still overcast though.

Off to the hospice this morning. Always good fun.

Have a happy day everyone.


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The top one I should have said. :-/
Good morn Boaty & all, the UFO is present & looks as if it's going to be a good one, I am talking my beloved to Boundry Mill today, that will keep her happy for a while, have a good one you all.
Morning TWR xx
That sounds like retail therapy - leave your wallet at home !!
Morning all. Lovely morning up here. I have sorted my "tackle" out, and am off fishing for the first time this year. Washing is out and a flask of coffee done. Whoo hoo hope the carp are playing later.
Morning Togo xx
Tight lines
Morning all !

Horrid day yesterday....rain on and off all day, but unseasonably warm. Too warm last night as well....I can't sleep when its too hot.

Not a good day for me yesterday, what with one thing and another. I had my annual Diabetes Eye Screening, at 12:00. They put these 'orrible drops in your eyes and you can't see properly for hours. Couldn't drive either, so it cost me £12 in taxis. I also felt a bit nauseous until late afternoon. I know I have to do this once a year, but wished I didn't !

Its about 21 degrees out there this morning, and no wind at all, so another sticky day ahead !
I only carry enough for her Lunch Alby, the famous Pie / Peas. lol xx
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Morning TWR, togo and mikey.

Just had to reboot. every time I click on a newspaper link everything freezes and I have to start again. :o{ I'm not looking at newspaper links again!
Morning Mikey xx

Ugh, a few pals are diabetic and hate their annual eye thingy too. Not pleasant when you can't focus properly.

Lol TWR, wise - very wise :-)
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And now it's time for me to shove off and get ready for the hospice. I have to go and pick my mate up first.

Have a happy day everyone.
Hope all goes well Boaty.
Have a lovely day Boaty xx

Am offski to tackle the laundry mountain

Mornin lovelies. Am up at silly o'clock cos thought me watch said 8.40, but I didn't have me specs on.
Must fix that clock/ hasn't worked since the change to BST :( you mean Boundary Mill in Milnrow? Are you near me....Oldham?

x x x

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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