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Jet Escorts...

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john1066 | 09:39 Wed 06th Aug 2014 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
A Qatar passenger plane has just been escorted into Manchester airport by RAF fighter jets because of a suspected explosive device on board..Why? Why are they there and what can they do, what is their purpose?


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It was yesterday John - why are they there? To blow up the plane if necessary, haven't you seen Turbulence and Executive Decision?

To make sure the Plane did exactly as instructed, as if it had been hi-jacked the hi-jackers might have tried for another 9/11, if they did they would then be shot down
Isn't it comforting to know that if you have a hijaker on the plane, the plane will be shot down over the sea.
It's "the greater good of the greater number", tilly.

Better to sacrifice the passengers of a hijacked jet than to let it kill many thousands in a city.
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I can see that, dave. I was just thinking about how terrifying it would be to be in that situation.
It`s mainly for a show of strength. To say - we are here so don`t do anything stupid. A few times in the aftermath of 9/11 - fighters would appear on the wingtips even though there hadn`t been a threat to the aircraft.
Absolutely awful, tilly - and of course the 'security measures' which have failed to stop the hijack will also mean that there is very little that any genuine passenger may have to hand to fight back ...
But the problem is when an aircraft is shot down nobody knows where it's going to fall. The damage done by shooting it down may be greater then originally planned by the hi jackers.
It`s a show of strength. I remember when the Tel Aviv had a police escort out to the runway. One (complete with blue flashing lights) at each corner of the plane. We used to laugh that they were as much use as a chocolate teapot.
A couple of things I'm not clear about. There's talk of shooting an airliner down over the sea. I know it can rain a bit in Manchester but there's no sea so if this was a credible threat why was the plane where it was?
If the pilot is under duress, how can he be expected to comply with instructions to head for open water?
Who has the final word on shooting down a threat? Call Me Dave? Worse, Nick Clegg if Dave's in the Algarve.
Do you remember years ago in one high security episode, tanks were deployed at Heathrow.

What were they supposed to do?
Same thing Hopkirk - show of strength. And to cause traffic jams.
///The damage done by shooting it down may be greater then originally planned by the hi jackers.///

er, over Manchester?

The Intell at the time of that particular incident at LHR was that terrorists were going to bring down a Jumbo on approach or takeoff with a hand held RPG.The scimitar tanks were patrolling the perimeter fence,fuel farm,waste treatment plant nearby etc to prevent the threat.Bit of a sledgehammer to crack a nut really.
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