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Flying to Edinburgh/Glagow

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madmondeo | 15:05 Sun 01st Jun 2008 | Travel
7 Answers
I am thinking about flying to Edinburgh/Glagow and hiring a car from there to drive to the top of Scotland. I am in Kent and would probably have to fly from a London airport as i don't think Manston Int. fly there. I have not looked into it in too much detail yet. To drive to Scotland from where i live would take well over 6 hrs.

Any advice/comments appreciated.


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if you're going that far north, you could fly from gatwick or luton to inverness.
You can get a flight from London Airport and get a connecting flight upto Wick unless you are going to somewhere weird
There are no domestic flights out of Kent International (formerly Manston). Their 'future plans' map shows Edinburgh as a possibility but there's no indication of which operator might take the route on.

Geographically, it would seem to make little sense to use Heathrow, Stansted or Luton. So that leaves Gatwick and London City. Here's a summary of all direct flights to Scotland:

From Gatwick:
Aberdeen: FlyBe
Edinburgh: British Airways & easyJet
Glasgow: British Airways & easyJet
Inverness: FlyBe & easyJet

From London City:
Dundee: CityJet
Edinburgh: CityJet & British Airways
Glasgow: British Airways ic/en_gb?countrycode=GB

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Very helpful Chris. thanks. is it best to buy tickets last minute or in advance? i know sometimes people can get good last minute deals but i have no experience of flying etc.
usually the earlier you book the flight the cheaper it is.
As Hawkwalk states, it's usually best to book well in advance.

However, Scottish routes probably don't get as busy as those to sunshine resorts. Here are a few sample prices. (All one-way, including taxes and charges):

Gatwick to Edinburgh, next Tuesday, with easyJet: �42.99 on all flights.

Gatwick to Edinburgh, on Tuesday 15/07, with easyJet: From �29.99 to �34.99, depending upon flight times.

Gatwick to Inverness, next Tuesday, with FlyBe: From �56.99 to �103.99, depending upon flight times.

Gatwick to Inverness, on Tuesday 15/07, with FlyBe: From �56.99 to �77.99, depending upon flight times.


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