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Heathrow 'Cargo Vilage'

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lankeela | 10:49 Sun 09th Dec 2007 | Travel
12 Answers
Got to deliver a dog on Tuesday by 7 am. Any tips for finding/getting in to the Cargo Village? Is it signposted from M25? Is there a reception area there or anywhere to get food/drink? TIA.


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Which agent?
Question Author
Going direct through Finnair.
Sorry, can't help as I'm not sure which agent they use.

My advice on food and drink is take a flask and a pack of sandwiches.
Bit busy today to research this, but I suggest you look on Finnair website or give them a ring.

The main cargo areas are well signposted on the south side not far from terminal 4, but some agents are in different areas. If it is the 'horseshoe' (Southampton Road/Shoreham Road) this can have a huge slow queue to get in. This happens just before peak flight departures, and these are actually vehicles queuing for security search to go airside. If this happens you will find a queue at the lights. When you get through the lights the security queue will be in the middle of three lanes. For the cargo horseshoe just go up the left lane and turn left at the mini roundabout. Beware though, as articulated lorries going left have insufficient space to turn left so have to go up the right lane, They then cut left across the head of the queue.

There is a cafe at the head of the horseshoe, but chances are you will be allocated a number to be dealt with. You will threfore sit in your vehicle waiting for your number to come up, unable to go to the cafe. That's when you open your flask.

Make sure you have photo ID for dropping off air cargo.
They won't entertain you without it. Some accept company ID cards, but to be sure, take passport or both parts of photo driving licence.

Also leave yourself loads of time. And a bit more.
Question Author
Thanks very much for the info, especially about the photo ID I would never have thought of that. I am driving down through the night so should be there very early hours. Its not a company thing, its a dog of mine being exported, have spoken to the chap at Finnair, who was very helpful.

may I ask why not borrow a tom-tom from someone, obviously if you are leaving the country you dont want to buy one. Allow plenty of time, even early am you can get M25 holdups.Make sure the dog gets water and does a wee before you take him in, good luck.
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No I'm not leaving the country - the dog is though. He has a career abroad as a stud dog! I know where the cargo terminal actually is, just wondered if its well signposted when I get off the M25. I shall be arriiving about 5 am.
to make sure I get there in time. The flight is only 2 and a half hours or so, and he will have been well exercised beforehand.
what breed of dog do you own ?
Poor little beggar.

Thinks he's off to the sunshine, and ends up in Finland.
Question Author
He's a Lancashire Heeler. Now safely at home in Finland.
More by luck than judgement though.

Panic Button, never were words more prophetic than your 'leave yurself loads of time. And a bit more.'

Had to be there by 7 am. Left Norfolk at 2.30 am. Got to South Mymms services at 5 am, walked dogs, had breakfast, left 5.30 am. Joined M25 off roundabout, to see a lorry on fire in front of me. Police car pulled across road to block traffic. Fire engines arrived 15 minutes later, ONE AND A HALF HOURS LATER we were allowed through! Mad panic to Heathrow, found Cargo Village, drove round for nearly an hour, no-one knew where Finnair was, they weren't answering the phone, turns out they are in Sandringham Road area, but not listed on notice board of airlines. Finally found them in the Menzies carrier section, got the dogs sorted and finally got them underway to find the flight was delayed by 46 minutes.
Back on to M25 to sit in a queue again, then heard on radio that M11 was closed, fortunately I was going in the other direction.

Thanks all for your answers, hope not to be doing this again anytime soon. Ainsley has settled in well and met his first 'girlfriend'. Perhaps I'll have one of the puppies........

Glad it turned out OK.

I drive to Heathrow most days, and it is mad almost every day.

Its a pity the nice guy at Finnair didn't give you better advice on finding the agent!
Question Author
Yes, my fault for not checking I suppose. He said it was just off the M25 so I presumed you could see it as you came off the motorway. Had no idea it covered such a big area, and they all had different entrances.

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