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Unconventional travel

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spiff | 14:51 Wed 05th May 2004 | Travel
3 Answers
Just been watching 'around the world in 80 days' with Michael Palinin on UK Gold,and he uses things like oil tankers and freighters to go from port to port. I was just wondering if you can book passage on things like that and how much it would cost? Maybe he got on because he was working for the BBC,but i reckon it would be an interesting way to see the world! Cheers


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I know some freight lines used to take passengers (Fyffes banana boats did), but I don't know if they still do. Saw a documentary on it once, where about 10 people was the max number of passengers. Had to make all your own entertainment etc., but I think there was a small pool and there was a bar for the evenings. Food was provided, but you could help out if you wanted. I don't know if any lines still do this; perhaps try writing to the Merchant Shipping Assoc (or something).
for one appropriate website re one or two particular journeys. However, if you do a Google search with "freighter travel" in the search-slot, you'll find literally thousands of similar sites.
It's a fascinating series, don't miss any episodes. This kind of travel is unusual but not extraordinary. Also I read a book (years ago) called "South America Overland"; equally as fascinating.

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