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coventry airport

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gudgeon | 14:58 Tue 16th May 2006 | Travel
3 Answers
im flying from coventry airport next month has anyone flown from there and whats it like


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Well it aint Heathrow thats for sure.

I have never flown from there, but until fairly recently it only flew cargo and not people. I think only Thompson fly from there.

I doubt if there are many facilities there.

Web site here

Several times.

Basically it's nothing more than a couple of portakabin's. Hope the weather is alright when you fly as if there is more than one flight checking-in at any one time you have to queue in the car park.

Once air-side the only facilities are a counter serving crisps, rolls etc and a very basic shop. Although there is a cafe you can visit before going through security which does a decent breakfast.

I would not arrive anything more than an hour before departure time as it can get very crowded.

My boss flew from there last year and she found it absolutely fine, no fancy extras but it was cheaper for her to fly from there.

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